Sunday, September 6, 2009

Introducing Diane Martin

RL meets Diane Martin-

Bio: My name is Diane Martin and I am the author of Never What it Seems, Autumn Leaves, and Fallen Angel. I was born in Chicago, Illinois and currently live in the Chicago-land area. I earned my Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts degree from Chicago State University.

1. What do you want readers to take away from your book?
I want readers to be left breathless and wanting more. I want them to feel enlightened and encouraged. I want readers to walk away feeling different about who they are and feeling different about the world around them. As the story(s) jump off of the pages to ignite their imagination, I will hope that my novels take the reader on a journey to faraway places allowing them to physically, mentally, and emotionally experience a “life” outside of their own.

2. Are you a believer in outlines, or do you write spontaneously?
I write spontaneously.

3. What do you think it is about your book that will keep readers turning the pages?

Often, I’ve found myself buying a novel that after only the first chapter I‘m trying to find a garbage can to throw it in. I told myself that as an author I would do everything I can to avoid writing a novel that loses its “fizzle” after the first couple of pages. When I write, I make every effort to write chapters that would engage the reader to the point that they find themselves wanting to do nothing else but read. I believe that a novel should have the same effect on the reader as a good movie has on the person watching it.

4. How can readers learn more and get in contact with you?
Readers can contact me via:


  1. Diane I have been reading your work for a few years now and love it! This was an awesome interview and will definitely help new writers understand the importance of adding "fizzle" to their books...LOL

    Ella Curry, EDC Creations

  2. Hello Ella. Thanks for your comment. Diane is definitely a great author! I couldn't agree more.
